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Privacy Policy

When you visit our website, what information do we hold about you?

We collect information about you when you place an order for our products or services. We hold information when you complete a form, contact us by phone or email, request samples or advice.

We request your name, email and postal address, phone number, mobile number, and credit card details. Credit card details are entered into our website for use by the Stripe platform and your details are not stored on our servers.

We will sometimes request personal ID to validate shipping addresses to combat fraud. You can always refuse to supply personal ID, but it may prevent you from purchasing products from our website.

How is the information about you used by us?

Personal information is not sold or passed to third parties other than as set out in the paragraphs below or unless it is strictly necessary to deliver the products and services ordered by you. 

Examples of when your details could be shared:

  • Your information is shared through the payment platform Stripe when collecting your credit card details.
  • Your name, email and postal address and contact numbers are passed to our delivery service/s to enable your order to be delivered, and to keep you informed with text messages and emails for parcel tracking.
  • Your information is used for processing orders; delivering any products or services, responding to enquiries or complaints; administering debt recoveries; and verifying your identity when required.
  • We use your information collected from the website to personalise any repeat visits to our website.
  • When processing your order, we may send your details to credit reference agencies and fraud prevention agencies.
  • We may use your information to create tailored advertising campaigns through search engines and social media channels such as Google, Facebook, Instagram. You can stop such advertisements using privacy controls within these platforms.
  • We pass your information to third party technology partners to provide us with internal statistical information and marketing reports. This data is kept securely at all times and is not used for any other purpose.

Marketing communication

We would like to send you information about our products and services which may be of interest to you.  As part of our customer service we may contact you. If you have consented to receive marketing, you may opt out at a later date.

You have a right at any time to stop us from contacting you for marketing purpose and we will remove your details from our marketing list.


Cookies are text files placed on your computer to collect standard internet log information and visitor information. The information is used to track visitor use of the website and to personalise your experience on repeat visits and to compile statistical reports on website activity.

Data recorded from cookies on our website includes, but is not limited to: information about your computer type; browser type; technical information; duration of visit; location of your computer; and your operating system.

You can set your browser not to accept cookies or remove existing cookies but this may result in some functions of the website not functioning as a result.

Removing your data

You have a right to have your data removed. You can do this by emailing us at  If you have purchased a product or service from us then we do have legal right to keep this data for accounting purposes, but you will be removed or unsubscribed from all marketing activity.

Changes to this privacy policy

Our privacy policy is reviewed and updated regularly on this website page.


Contact us

Carpet Vinyl Tiles Direct Ltd,
34-36 Upper Brook Street,
Great Manchester SK1 3BP

Tel: 0345 121 1234

Company Reg No 14779118

VAT GB 442 4063 23

Updated 11/07/2023

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