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How To Make Sustainable Choices When Picking Your Next Flooring

SAuthor - CVT Direct

6 min read

Many homeowners do not just base their interior design decisions over what would look good in a glossy magazine. Increasingly, people are thinking about environmental considerations when picking their curtains, fixtures and fittings, and furniture these days. 

They are also taking climate change into account when deciding on what carpet or vinyl to opt for, so they can make the most sustainable choice for their flooring. 

Effects of climate change

Awareness of climate change has grown over the last few years, as governments have been trying to work together to reduce their carbon emissions to net zero by 2050. 

In doing this, it is hoped the temperature rise will remain at 1.5C over the next 26 years, limiting the disastrous effects of global warming

These include hotter temperatures, which lead to wildfires, melting of ice caps, and heat-related illnesses; severe storms, due to a warmer ocean, which also causes rising sea levels and loss of coastal and island communities; and increased drought in water-stressed regions, resulting in dust storms, expanding deserts and crop shortages.

Climate change is also likely to cause a loss of species as the temperatures increase, forest fires, invasive pests, and extreme weather conditions. In fact, species are dying at a rate 1,000 faster than ever before.

Thanks to the impact on land, there will be shortages of food in terms of both crops and grasslands for larger animals to graze. What’s more, the increasing acidity of the oceans will have an effect on the quality and availability of fish. 

There is also likely to be more extreme poverty, with lots of people finding it hard to come by food or water, and losing their homes to floods or extreme weather conditions. 

Between 2010 and 2019, turbulent weather alone has caused the displacement of 23.1 million people a year, showing just how much of an effect climate change is having on communities already. 

At the same time, it is causing a rise in disease and illness. Due to changing weather patterns, air pollution, forced displacement, and poor nutrition, millions of people are suffering from mental health problems, starvation, disease, and even death. 

In fact, environmental factors prove fatal for around 13 million people every year. 

Therefore, it is not hard to see why so many people are trying to make small changes in their lives to help prevent these changes. 

Here are some tips on how to reduce your impact on the environment when redecorating your home with new floors. 

What is the environmental impact of certain types of flooring?

The main concern homeowners have with regards to the environmental impact of their flooring is its recyclability. 

For instance, it is difficult to recycle lots of vinyl materials. Therefore, it ends up as waste on landfill sites for years. 

They can also contain substances that cause harm to the environment, such as carcinogenic bioaccumulative toxins, vinyl chloride, ethylene dichloride, and phthalates. Prolonged exposure to these chemicals can cause health risks. 

The great news is there is a lot of choice when it comes to sustainable flooring these days, whether you choose more environmentally-friendly materials such as wood, or specific types of eco vinyl. 

What are the sustainable options with flooring?

Manufacturers are not only trying to help governments to meet net zero targets but are also aware that buyers want green options, which means the choice of sustainable flooring is expanding. 

Recycled vinyl flooring

For a start, you can find vinyl flooring that has a high percentage of recycled content, meaning it has been made using previous products, preserving the resources and reducing the amount being taken to landmines. 

If you want to choose the most environmentally-friendly vinyl, opt for one with a higher percentage of recycled content. 

There are also some that are 100 per cent recyclable, meaning they themselves can be reused so there is no waste in years to come when you need to change the floor. 

As the toxins that go into vinyl flooring can be so detrimental to the environment, you can find ones that are phthalate- and formaldehyde-free. 

It is also important to look for the TCOV rating of vinyl flooring. The lower the level, the better indoor air quality. 

Homeowners should also remember that vinyl flooring can last for up to 20 years, so while they might take longer to break down, they do not need to be changed as frequently as other types of floor. 

As a result, this may mean fewer carbon emissions are released as there is less disposal and replacement required compared with other surface solutions.

Wood flooring

Wood flooring is one of the best choices if you are thinking about the environment. This is because the material can easily be reused. 

What’s more, at the end of their life, wood can be burned to create energy, reducing the need for fossil fuels. 

It can also remove carbon dioxide inside the house, improving the quality of air. At the same time, it is a good insulator so homeowners do not have to use as much energy to heat up their homes, reducing carbon emissions, as well as their household bills. 

Carpet tiles

Just like you can find luxury vinyl flooring that has been recycled, you can get carpet tiles made with recycled content.

This can be both in their pile and backing, making sure as much of the carpet has been reused as possible. 

Although carpets do not last as long as other types of flooring, if you are looking for a warmer, cosier floor in your home, a recycled carpet could be the best option. 

You can still enjoy a soft surface under your feet while being reassured that it is more environmentally-friendly than other carpets on the market. 

It is also a good idea to maintain your flooring as well as you can to make it last longer than carpet’s typical ten-year lifecycle. This will mean you can reduce the environmental impact of removing, disposing and replacing the flooring. 


Floor that has been derived from plants, including cork or engineered wood, are the best options if you want to have as limited impact on the environment as possible. 

The reason for this is that they absorb carbon dioxide, they release oxygen, and they are typically grown in well-managed forests, so the effect on the surroundings is kept to a minimum. 

These materials can also be burned when they are done with, being used to produce energy as an alternative fuel. 

Get in touch with the CVT Direct team via our Contact Us page – and make sure you have a browse through all our flooring and accessories products to see what you can find.

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