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We strive to offer great customer service, to keep our customers informed and answer any questions you might have.  If you have received great service and would like to support us by leaving a review, please click on one of these links.  Thank you for your business and for taking the time to provide your feedback and comments.

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What do you sell?

We offer a large range of discounted quality British made carpet and vinyl in tile and plank format as well as laminate flooring, alongside accessories including smoothing compound, tackifier and adhesive. You can view our product range by brand and filter by choice here If you can’t find what you are looking for, feel free to contact us and we may be able to source it for you.

Quick links to our product types:

How do I order samples?
  • You can order 3 free samples.
    Click on a product that you like and add to the basket.
    You can go back and add another 2 samples to the basket for free delivery.
    Confirm your order and we will post them to you once we receive your order.
    Samples are posted the day the order is received.
How do I order my flooring?
  • Browse the website for the flooring you are looking for using the filters.
  • If you can’t find what you are looking for, let us know!
  • Feel free to give us a call to check stock and delivery time for your chosen flooring.
  • You can discuss delivery options with us too.
  • Ensure you add 10% extra to your order meterage to allow for cuts and spare. Please note – subsequent batches may differ in shade.
  • Pay by card and await confirmation and delivery.
Where do you deliver?

Our flooring is delivered across the UK to commercial businesses and sites, or to residential properties. We can deliver outside our standard area, feel free to discuss options with us.

Is there a minimum order quantity?

Yes, a minimum order of one full box applies. The product area will tell you how many tiles there are per box.

How long will it take for my order to arrive?

Delivery is normally within 2-3 working days, for stocked items, unless stated or informed otherwise, for example delivery for DESSO carpet tiles is within 4 – 5 days and some LVT products can be within 7 – 10 days.  On order we will check delivery times and advise if any different.   All products are available for delivery to mainland UK residents and businesses.  We can ship to the Scottish Isles, Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland, Isles of Scilly, Isle of Man and Isle of Wight, and if you are located in these areas, please contact us for prices and options.

Can you advise on best products to use in which setting, the quantity required before I order?

Yes of course, feel free to contact us. Our team is experienced in estimating for the commercial flooring sector and has strong relationships with leading floor covering suppliers.  We are happy to advise on the best and most appropriate flooring solutions for your projects.

How do I measure my room/project area?
  1. Sketch the shape of your room and divide into measurable rectangles.
  2. Multiply the length by the width to work out how many square meters you will need.
  3. If you don’t have a straightforward rectangle, divide the room into rectangles and work out the area for each rectangle, adding them up to find the total square meterage.
  4. We recommend adding 10% on to the order to allow for cuts and spare.
  5. Feel free to ask us for help.
How do I prepare the floor?

Before new carpet or vinyl tiles can be laid, the existing floor must be clean, dry, and smooth. If not, it will need to be prepared thoroughly before the floor is laid. A smooth compound may be required to level the existing floor. View smoothing compound products here.

Note – LVTs require at least a 3mm coat of Latex for bonding over solid substrate or flooring grade plyboard over timber substrate.

How do I install my flooring?

Our product information will recommend how your carpet and vinyl tiles should be laid and provide suggestions of recommended adhesive. View and order accessories here. If you are not sure, please ask.

Do you offer a fitting service?

Some customers will choose to fit their own flooring or employ their own fitter.  However, many will decide to hire a professional fitter.   If this is your preference, we can introduce you to a recommended fitter.

Do you stock flooring made with recycled content or made for recycling?

Yes, many of our brands offer product ranges with recycled content and which are recyclable. We have carpet tiles and planks with recycled content in their pile and backing, and vinyl flooring with recycled content and which is also recyclable. You can find information on the product pages.

Do you recycle?

At our warehouse we segregate card, plastics, metals, LVT offcuts, carpet tile offcuts for recycling.  We recycle uplifted and offcut carpet tiles and donate surplus to charity.

What are batch variations?

Carpet and vinyl tile batches vary slightly in hue – no batch is the same – this is due to the uniqueness of each yarn dye used. When you order flooring from us, we will ensure that they come from the same batch. Please note – if you need to replenish these in the future it will probably be a different batch, even though it is the same product. We recommend ordering 10% more product than you require for spares.

What advice do you give on how to look after my flooring?

Correct care and maintenance of your flooring will help to prolong its quality, appearance, and lifespan.  We have included care instructions from the manufacturers within the product pages.   Please ask if you would like help with this information.

I have ordered multiple products – how will I receive them?

Multiple items are shipped together where possible.  Some products will come from different warehouses, and we will keep you informed of delivery dates for your products.

How many tiles come in a box?

Check the product listings as the quantity may vary.  We recommend ordering 10% extra to avoid running out and for spares. Feel free to check with us if you are not sure.

Can I check my item is in stock?

Yes of course, feel free to contact us before you place your order.

How long does a refund take to clear once initiated?

Refunds are processed through Stripe, please allow 3-5 working days for refunds to clear.

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